So What Is The Followers Of Anubis(FOA)?

The FOA, founded by Nakia Wolfsen, is an underground religion based on following the Egyptian god of death Anubis as a main deity. The FOA accepts all religions as a whole and does not discriminate other religions, but views all religions as a whole. Founded in 1994, the FOA aims to reach out to those who have been looking to find a name for following Anubis and creating a community out of the FOA through various sites along the world wide web.

The Do's And Don'ts Of The FOA

Proudly say you are a Follower Of Anubis when asked what religion you follow.
Make any attempts to convert others to the FOA, for our religion does not challenge or think it is better than any religion.
Feel free to follow more than one deity besides Lord Anubis.
Make any other deity you choose to follow besides Lord Anubis higher than Lord Anubis Himself.

Prayer To Anubis

Oh you, who are the Opener of the Ways,
Hear my voice.
Oh you, whose ears pierce the Walls of Noise,
Hear my voice.
Oh you, who walk unheeding through the Winds of Fear
Hear my voice. You are the Dark Pupil of the Sun,
The Knowledgeable Eclipse in the Iris of Fire;
You are the Seeing Darkness.
Guide me safely through the terrors of my own unseeing;
Preserve me from my unspoken sorrows;
Return me safely through the Gate of Becoming,
And open for me
The door that admits humankind
To the Eternal Garden.
Oh you, who are the Opener of the Ways,
Walk with me

Another Prayer

Beloved Anubis, be with me all the days of my lives, guide me great one each day & night. Take my hand & lead me to the light when my time is done for with you I'll know no fear. May I recognize you with each rebirth & be filled with instant joy! As I did when I saw your image on this spiral round. Thank you Anubis for being with me. Blessed be my lord!

Anubis, lord of the hidden ways, guide us! Anpu, lord of darkness guide us! Anubis, Lord of the dead, guide us! Anpu, challenger of the ways, guide us! Anubis, great guardian, guide us ! Lord of loyalty & courage, guide us! Lord of the underworld, protect us! Lord of obsidian & gold, protect us! Guard our circle Anpu, guard our circle round from above & below, from all round lord of magic & the darkest night, attend our rite tonight, great jackal of the night! We honour you Anpu. Nut.O mother Nut, spread thy spangled wings over us this night, encircle us with protection, as we do our rite beneath thy fond embrace, beloved Nut bring us health & love, as we do our rite this night! O Nut!  Thou art so beautiful to behold, o night sky we honour thee sparkling bright with hope for mankind & earth's creatures great & small. Blessed be mother Nut, O goddess of unconditional love.

A Letter From Our Founder Nakia

This is one of the various sites of the FOA, updates and some bits and bobs I find interesting will be posted every so often on this site and many of our other sites. I Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. Cheers!
-Nakia Wolfson

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